Monday, 5 February 2007

about this blog

o syuijai de zse blok-na ...
au sujet de ce blog ...

I suppose I should give an explanation for this blog. I set this up so I could experiment with language and linguistics separate from my personal blogging, and will accomodate a large variety of posts as they deal with culture and language.

I should also clarify that Isrekas is a character separate from myself. My native language is English - his isn't. ;-) Rather, he is in fact part of a story set indefinitely into the future, where several changes have occurred in regard to what and how people speak.

As one may have already suspected, the strange language occasionally written in has been constructed for the story. As a hint - which too may also have been suspected - it is a creole fictionally based off a Romance language, several in fact, with changes to the sound and writing systems, with strong influences from non-European languages.

That's enough background. I plan to publish non-English essays here, in order not to clutter things in my other blogs where people would rather not do linguistic detective work. I am passionately interested in linguistics, and one of the other purposes of this blog is to discuss linguistics and languages and get people, especially Singaporeans, interested in these fields. Awareness of language is closely linked with awareness of culture. Please, leave comments!

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